Peters Pepper Yellow Chilli Seeds

£ 3,49

Peter Pepper Yellow Chilli Seeds – 12 Fresh Seeds

3 in stock

SKU: peter-pepper-yellow Categories: , , ,

Peter Pepper Yellow Chilli Seeds – 12 Fresh Seeds

Peter Pepper Yellow chili peppers are a unique and eye-catching variety known for their distinctive shape and vibrant yellow colour. The Peter Pepper Yellow chili plants typically grow to a height of about 2 to 3 feet (60 to 90 centimeters). The peppers themselves are elongated and have a shape that has led to their playful nickname – resembling a certain part of the male anatomy. When fully mature, the Peter Pepper Yellow chili peppers turn a vibrant shade of yellow, adding a pop of colour to any garden or dish. They are medium-sized, ranging from 2 to 4 inches (5 to 10 centimeters) in length, and have a slightly wrinkled or bumpy surface.

In terms of heat, the Peter Pepper Yellow chili peppers are considered mild to moderately spicy. They typically have a Scoville Heat Unit (SHU) rating ranging from 5,000 to 15,000, although individual peppers can vary in spiciness. This makes them milder than some other chili pepper varieties, allowing for a pleasant heat that most people can tolerate.




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