7 Pot Pink Chilli Seeds

(1 customer review)

£ 3,50

7 Pot Pink Chilli Seeds – 10 Fresh Seeds

27 in stock

Title Range Discount
5 Percent 4 - 5 5%
10 Percent 6 - 7 10%
15 Percent 8 - 100 15%
SKU: 7-pot-pink Categories: , , ,

7 Pot Pink Chilli Seeds – 10 Fresh Seeds

One of the most striking varieties within the 7 Pot range of chili peppers, it unquestionably boasts the most captivating “Pink” hue among all peppers. The pods begin as light green and then transition rapidly to a stunning pink color.

The plants typically reach a height of 4-5 feet and exhibit robust branching. They yield an impressive quantity of pods, continuously producing new ones provided you have a sufficiently long growing season.

Additionally, once dried and ground, it can be transformed into a superb chili powder with exceptional flavor.

7 Pot Pink Chilli Seeds
7 Pot Pink Chilli Seeds


1 review for 7 Pot Pink Chilli Seeds


100 %


100 %


100 %

Reviewed by 01 customer(s)

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    Impressively prolific 😱

    As you can see in the pictures, the amount of pods in a small 6 inch pot is amazing, very hot flavor, easy care, with pure water, almost no need to feed it.

    The seeds came marked as “red” but they are ripenning to a pink peach color.

    September 18, 2024
    Verified Review

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    • Red Dragon Seeds

      September 19, 2024

      Thank you very much for the review. The 7 Pot Pink is indeed one of the best super-hot producers, and it looks like you’ve done a great job. We’re not sure why they were labeled as red—it must have been an error on our part

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