Aji Orange Chilli Seeds

£ 3,75

Aji Orange Chilli Seeds – 10 Fresh Seeds

15 in stock

Title Range Discount
5 Percent 4 - 5 5%
10 Percent 6 - 7 10%
15 Percent 8 - 100 15%

Aji Orange Chilli Seeds – 10 Fresh Seeds

Another AJI pepper plant that produces a huge number of deep orange pods, it can grow over 2 meters tall if allowed so needs good staking to keep it in place. It can also handle colder climates better so is ideal for colder climates but will not tolerate frost. Has the normal sweet and fruity Baccatum type flavour with a nice heat level.

Aji Orange Chilli Seeds
Aji Orange Chilli Seeds





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