Father’s Day Chilli Seed Gift Set – Father’s Day Gifts

£ 21,99

The perfect Fathers day Gift…A special collection of nine chilli plant seeds (10 of each variety) plus a special Bonus pack of Zebrange.

This product is only available for shipping within the United Kingdom.

The perfect Fathers day Gift…A special collection of nine chilli plant seeds (10 of each variety) plus a special Bonus pack of Zebrange Chilli seeds all waiting to be grown into beautiful plants providing you with a fantastic variety of chillis, mild, medium , hot and super-hot all from our quality seeds. Presented in a reusable durable gift tin along with chilli fertilizer to ensure your plants get off to a good start, pencils, and plant markers.

Carolina Reaper
Aji Pineapple
Black Jalapeno
Sugar Rush Peach Stripey
Buena Mulata
Kashmiri Mirch
Large Orange Thai
Dream Catcher



Tin Design

Design 1, Design 2


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E.g.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhBUmxEOfpc

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