Devils Tongue White Chilli Seeds

£ 3,99

Devils Tongue White Chilli Seeds – 10 Fresh Seeds

37 in stock

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Devils Tongue White Chilli Seeds – 10 Fresh Seeds

Devil’s Tongue White chili seeds represent a unique and captivating variety of chili pepper known for its distinctive shape, heat, and coloration. The Devil’s Tongue White chili, scientifically known as Capsicum chinense, is a rare and sought-after pepper among chili enthusiasts.

The Devil’s Tongue White chili peppers have a distinct elongated shape, resembling a tongue or pod. They typically measure around 2 to 3 inches (5 to 7.5 cm) in length. The peppers start off as a creamy white or pale-yellow colour when immature and gradually transition to a vibrant white or ivory colour as they ripen.

Although specific Scoville Heat Unit (SHU) ratings may vary, Devil’s Tongue White chili peppers generally fall within the range of 100,000 to 300,000 SHU, making them significantly hotter than many common chili varieties.




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