Thunder Cacho Brown Chilli Seeds – 10 Fresh Seeds
The Thunder Cacho Brown pepper, a creation of the skilled breeder Jes Christiansen from Denmark, is a remarkable chili pepper variety resulting from the fusion of two distinct parent peppers. This unique hybrid combines the Thunder Mountain Longhorn from China, known for its long and noodle-like cayenne appearance, and the Cacho Negro from Costa Rica, a mild dark-coloured pepper. The result is a pepper that transitions from green to brown as it ripens, closely resembling the Thunder Mountain Longhorn (TMLH), but with a notable difference—it’s thicker, offering greater versatility. Unlike TMLH, which tends to dry upon reaching full ripeness, the Thunder Cacho Brown retains its plumpness.
The Thunder Cacho Brown pepper is prized for its culinary applications. Its mild – medium heat level and fruity, smoky flavour notes make it an excellent choice for sauces, stir-fries, and as a dried seasoning. The plants of this variety can reach heights of up to 4 feet and are exceptionally productive, yielding a bountiful harvest.

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