White Jalapeno Chilli Seeds

£ 3,49

White Jalapeno Seeds – 10 Fresh Seeds

35 in stock

Title Range Discount
5 Percent 4 - 5 5%
10 Percent 6 - 7 10%
15 Percent 8 - 100 15%

White Jalapeno Seeds – 10 Fresh Seeds

One of the best tasting and looking Jalapenos, this white variety is quite rare. They are quite sweet to the taste with a medium heat. Pods start very light green to a cream white then after some time start to ripen to a deep red with the top starting orange normally.

🌶️ Scoville Heat Units: 2,500 – 10,000 SHU

All of our seeds are grown fresh each year at our own chill farm to ensure you get the best germination.

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